Installing conda in google colab

Conda is not pre-installed in Google Colab, but you can install and use it by following these steps. This will allow you to create and manage Conda environments within Colab.

Steps to Use Conda in Google Colab:

  1. Install Miniconda: Miniconda is a minimal Conda installer, which is sufficient for setting up Conda environments. You can install it with the following commands:

    !chmod +x
    !bash ./ -b -f -p /usr/local
  2. Configure Conda: Once Miniconda is installed, you need to initialize Conda so that you can use it in the current Colab session.

    !conda init bash

    Then restart the shell environment to load Conda. Use the following command to reload the environment:

    # Restart the shell to activate conda
    !source ~/.bashrc
  3. Create a Conda Environment: Now that Conda is installed and configured, you can create a new Conda environment. For example, to create an environment with Python 3.8:

    !conda create --name myenv python=3.8 -y
  4. Activate the Conda Environment: After creating the environment, activate it using the following command:

    !source activate myenv

    Now, you’re inside the myenv environment and can install any packages or work within that environment.
  5. Install Packages in the Conda Environment: You can install additional packages using conda or pip. For example, to install numpy using Conda:

    !conda install numpy -y

    Alternatively, if you prefer to use pip inside the Conda environment, you can do so like this:

    !pip install some_package
  6. Check Installed Environments: To list all Conda environments, use:
    !conda info --envs


  • Environment Persistence: Since Google Colab sessions are ephemeral, the Conda environment and installed packages will not persist after the session ends. You will need to recreate the environment each time you start a new session.
  • Package Compatibility: Ensure that you install compatible versions of packages when using Conda and Colab, especially when mixing Conda and pip installations.

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